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  LaÙrÈn Jëån     

    UnÏquê   βoútiquξ



Disclaimer:  This website is my final exam for a college class and is not in business.  Check back, though, at some point in the future it might be!



My business idea is Lauren Jean’s Unique Boutique  is a built to order merchant model as well as a storefront model because it will offer products already in stock.  The company will be unique in that it will be part of the green movement and as will be more explained in the marketing plan of how the products and services offered will be unique and not offered by many other companies.  What gave me this idea was watching my daughter and her creativity with materials around the house and how she was describing them at four years old.  I did not find any of these things on the web to support but I will be making up my own documentation of the company as the course goes on for possibly launching this business in the future.